Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winter Birds

These are my holiday cards for 2010: various winter birds. You can print them out, cut them out, and string with ribbon for little paper ornaments. The species include the sparrow, chickadee, Carolina wren, purple finch, cardinal, and more. I wish I had done an owl, though!


kate reymann said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. I love these. I think they will be displayed permanently in my son's playroom well after the tree gets taken down. Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

they are cute. thanks. love them. i want to hang them above my PC.

Ellen Mallernee Barnes said...

Oh, I love these! I just printed them all out on resume paper and cut them out. I'm gonna have to take the previous commenter's advice and hang them in my daughters room. Thanks so much! Merry Christmas!

Cindy Groh said...

Wow. Thank you for such lovely creations

Rosana Garcia Hess said...

thanks for sharing....I´ll feature on my blog. Hope you don´t mind
hugs from Brazil

Linda said...

These are so pretty...thank you!

Bettyann said...

thank you dear lady

Carol said...

These are absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.

Suzanne Bouchard said...

Thank you very much.

Honey said...

Oh, these are beautiful! I wonder, would you by chance make a copy that's reverse? I love these and would like to make them so no matter how they turn you see a pretty bird.

Found you through pinterest.


Debbie @ OtRD said...

These are so lovely! Thanks so much for sharing them!!

Sandra L. said...

OH MY! Found these through Pinterest. Thank you SO much! Woot!

the wild bunches said...

Thank you for sharing these cuties. Love them! x

deb said...

These are beautiful! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

VICKI IN AZ said...

l adore birds. these are so special because you created them. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love these little beauties! I'm actually a bit afraid of live birds LOL!! But I admire them from afar and these little guys I don't fear! So pretty! I have reversed them, printed them on fabric, sewn them together and stuffed them a little. They are just adorable! People have asked me to make them some. Is that ok??? x

Jessica Nunemaker said...

I love this!

Somehow I will work these cute little birds into our homeschool curriculum.

Thanks! :)

Roxanne said...

So generous and beautiful of you to share these little treasures. Thank you so much! said...

Thank you ....will be using this for our school this week

Percy2626 said...

Thanks so much for sharing. Just wondering, I printed out a set a couple weeks ago and they worked great! Today though, I am trying to do another set for my daughter's room and it doesn't go onto single pages. It tries to print as 4 pages complete with comments from the blog page. The first page of birds come out too large for the page so are cut off and the others are teeny tiny. Did you change your blog format or anything recently. Thanks for your help.


Natalie said...

Having the same problem as previous post with printing. I'd love these little birds for winterizing the playroom! ...but the printing isn't working for me.

Trish said...

Thank you so much for sharing. The will look delightful on our Christmas packages this year. I hope you have a happy Christmas and New Year.

Find Family Fun said...

find out how we used these winter birds

The Cabby Crafter said...

Thanks for sharing this! My parents in law are bird lovers and this would go well with our tree.

Dreaming Woods said...

how marvelous. just found your birds via pinterest and pinned them myself. you are wonderful artist, these birds are beautiful! i think i will make a garland from these, add little sparkle and some woodland treasures. i will sent you a photo then. thank you so much for sharing these!!

Jesse said...

very very beautiful! how kind of you to share : )

PEACHES said...

These are fabulous! I love your style. And better yet, my tree is all done up in birds --these are perfect. I'll be linking for sure :)

Anonymous said...

perfect! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

wonderful! thank you for sharing.

WovenSummers said...

Beautiful!!! thank you for sharing.

Lisa said...

These are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing. I live in the Richmond area so I see all of these birds in my feeders everyday (well, except for the robin - he eats worms from the ground and heads south for the winter so he's not in my feeder or in my backyard everyday).

Mia Charro said...

Ohhh, they are so cute. Thanks so much for sharing them!!

fine little home said...

i love these little birdie's so much! i think we'll have them around our home all the time ; )

i hope you don't mind me sharing them on my little bloggity blog.

have a happy & warm holiday!

carla said...

Lovely work. Thank you so much for sharing them.

B. said...

Thank you! These are so lovely.

Anna said...

oh thank you! My mom loves birds and this'll make a great present.

sarahelizabeth said...

these are so beautiful!!

GB said...

These are lovely! Thank you!

Flora said...

*beautiful!* thank you so much

La Rimule said...

Thank you very much ! It's very nice !

Lover of Vintage said...

These are just gorgeous! I saw them this morning and have already made them up! I'm going to hang them in my girls playhouse. Just love them!!! You have a lovely blog :)

Unknown said...

They're lovely! Thanks so much for sharing!

Julie said...

Wow, aren't you sweet to share these pretty bird tags with all of us! Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

Cally said...

Beutiful, thanks so much for sharing them, my mum will be thrilled if I can print these for her.

Anonymous said...

How generous of you to share. These will look lovely on friends gifts this Christmas.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I just blogged about your bird tags, hope that's ok?


Roy.Hartono said...

they're really nice. Thanks!

Roy.Hartono said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
orientalgossip said...

thank you, for lovely birds.please find video the following link...

rmkall1 said...

thanks for all the lovely feedback! yes, please feel free to share and re-blog these birdies -- just be sure you credit me and link to my blog or my etsy site ( Happy holidays!

kansasgirl1 said...

Your birds are really beautiful! Thank you for sharing your original artwork. I found you through Creature Comforts blog.

Anonymous said...

How nice of you to share - love them - also bookmarking your site!

Pretty Things said...

Those are so beautiful!

Lee said...

happy new year! I love the birds! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you ... they will be printed, laminated, cut out and packed away for next Christmas.

Judy B

Craftcherry said...

So fantastic! I'm going to print them out on fabric and make little stuffed ones for the kid friendly tree I'm working on for next year!

Bryn said...

I'm going to print them on resume paper in black and white and have my Cub Scouts use colored pencils. These will make a nice mobile of local birds to go along with a birdfeeder.

mimiko said...

Thank you for sharing. So lovely! I'll print them for my son's room. Just in front of his window there is a bird-feeder. :)

anke-art said...

Very very cute! I'll print them twice (one of the prints reversed) so I they'll be double-sided.
Thanks for sharing!

Eileen W. said...

I printed them twice and will make them double sided as well. I'm also thinking of printing them for my students- I work with K and 1st graders. Love, love, love!! Thank you!!!

Tracy VT said...

gorgeous! thankyou for making them available...I cant wait to attach them to the outside of an old bird cage I have.:)

Sally K said...

Beautiful! I love them. Thank you for sharing.

emily hope said...

just gorgeous. thank you so much! found via pinterest :)

Kim Vij said...

These are adorable! We have created a special book with them to go along with our February Birds Poem.

Terri said...

I found your "bird" post on Pinterest. It is very kind of you to share your bird art with everyone. I love your painting style. The birds looks gorgeous!
I would love to learn to paint birds!
I will give it a go!

Burt and Linda said...

Thank you!

Shalini said...

I hung them on two strings next to my daughter's high chair, and she loves looking at them at her mealtimes. Thank you so much for sharing.

valaniz83 said...

They are so cute! I will hang them in my daughters bedroom, and print more and then laminate them and hang them outside throughout my garden. From , California.

Julie said...

Thank you so much for generously sharing these. They're beautiful!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

We used your birdies for my three year old's birthday. I printed them out on card and pegged them to string. They looked amazing. Thanks so much.

Debs said...

I have a bird themed wedding and these will be hanging printed on the thank you cards! Thank you

Yvonne Moxon said...

Thank you so much these are beautiful x

Céline said...

C'est magnifique, merci .

Anonymous said...

Very beautifuls! Thanks´s for sharing :) hugs, Joana

Cosmictadpole said...

Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous birds!!

VBR said...

what a lovely and generous gift! thank you so much.

Corrie said...

These are beautiful! I printed them (and just reversed the copy so I could make them two-sided) to hang in my hallway. Thanks for sharing!

Lauren said...

Wow, these are incredibly beautiful. I printed them out forward and reverse, and then glued them together to make double-sided ornaments. Absolutely charming.

Gail @ said...

Wonderful! Thank you.

Anne said...

I like Lauren's comment about printing them out in reverse so they are beautiful on both sides. I am pasting them on card stock so they are sturdier. Thank you for sharing these lovely birds.

Debbie said...

These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Kindly, Lorraine

Carole said...

So kind of you to share your lovely work. Thank you. :-)

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your incredibly beautiful art with us! I totally love your little birds... thank you, thank you! Blessings!!

Becky said...

Beautiful! Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Thank you! We are making Bird Watch sketch journals for my daughter's birthday party and using these for the front covers! Also, cutting them out to hang on a branch we keep in the kitchen window.

They are bright and beautiful and we love them!

Amy A @ Child Central Station said...

I love your birds! I printed them out on transparency film for the children to play with on the light table... They LOVE them! I am posting about it on my blog tomorrow! Thank you!

Margot said...

i used one of your birds on a card:


Unknown said...

Very very beautiful birds. Congratulations. Beatriz musikgarten (

Julia said...

Thanks for sharing these! I made them into sewing cards for my girls. They are beautiful.

Mickey said...

Thank you so much for these beautiful birds. They are really pretty!


Heather said...

Here I am almost four years later finding these beautiful prints to use for a birding project with my kids. Thank you SO much for these! They are just wonderful!!

gilstrapdesigns said...

Thank you so much for these beautiful birds!!!

Dale said...

really sweet birds thank you

Bessie Bird said...

These birdies are so precious! Thank you for sharing them! XO

amber said...

I saw this printable a while back when Creature Comforts featured it, but I am just now printing it off this year. I had to tell you that these are the most beautiful printables I have ever seen! Thank you so much for being so generous with your lovely artwork. The birds were beautiful on some packages I did for a little advent swap with some Instagram friends recently, and I am printing more right now for gift wrapping and possibly hanging on the tree. Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Dear Rebecca, i love these birds!!!
I wrote a post about it in my blog, thanks to share with us your artwork
hugs! said...

so beautiful, thanks !

Marcie said...

Thanks so very, very much for sharing your talent with us. Your little birds are wonderful and will bring a smile to my Dad, who is 83 and bedridden. He'll probably be able to identify a lot of them. Thank you once again.

Linda Branch Dunn said...

Thank you for sharing these so generously. I am going to use them as templates for work I do with Alzheimer's patients: cheery and inspiring.

Unknown said...

Thank you, have just stumbled on these - they are gorgeous

Helen F. said...

Oh My Gosh! You bird paintings are absolutely gorgeous! I was on Pintrest and found these printable images. THANK YOU so very much for sharing your beautiful art with us, Becca!

Unknown said...

I printed out the birds a month ago & they came out a perfect size. Now I cannot seem to do this properly. Please advise. Perhaps I'm missing a step. Also, I'm not sure how to reverse the image. It would make a perfect mobile. I pasted the ones before on cardstock, but would like to do a back-to-back. PLEASE advise as I really love these birds & would like to share.

Unknown said...

these are beautiful. yes, make the owl and maybe even animals. i know that i will download them for sure

meggiecat said...

So soft and lovely. Thank you for sharing your work.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your adorable paintings!

Best wishes
Moni/Penny Lane

Janet said...

Thank you for the beautiful bird art. My students will enjoy seeing them in the classroom during these cold winter months.

Cris G. said...

Thank you so much. They are beautiful!

lovely me said...


Unknown said...

I still have not understood why I was able to print them out at a reasonable size once and then not again since. If I could get some help in the printing process, I would be grateful. I see that others have been experiencing the same problem.

Unknown said...

I'm trying so hard to print these lovely birds but they are just not working. Am I doing something wrong

Unknown said...

Same printing challenges as above! Would love to use these to attach to our homemade birdseed ornaments as teacher gifts! Are these still available to print? You do amazing work. Thank you for sharing so generously!

Anonymous said...

thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing these. They are beautiful.

Richard and Sheila said...

So so gorgeous, what a talent!

Esther Asbury said...

LOVE these!!! Thanks!


These are so cute - love them all and they will bring fall hopefully! Thanks a lot!

Kathy said...

I just ran across these and some other tags that I downloaded...I have not seen anything as petty as these and everything you have made is fantastic. I plan to use them on handmade cards that I give to people. I take photos and share on my blog...I will link back to your page and give you the credit. Thanks so much for sharing!

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SMS Packers and Movers is revolutionizing the moving industry with its commitment to reliable and efficient services tailored for everyone. Whether you're relocating your home, office, or valuable belongings, SMS guarantees a seamless experience from start to finish. Their team of trained professionals employs advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that your items are handled with utmost care. Offering a range of customized solutions, SMS Packers and Movers understands that every move is unique, making it easier for customers to select the right package for their needs. With a focus on customer satisfaction, their transparent pricing and dedicated support team ensure peace of mind throughout the entire process. Choose SMS Packers and Movers for a hassle-free relocation experience that prioritizes your needs and delivers excellence every step of the way.
SMS Packers and Movers Bangalore